In re Estate of Castonguay

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Case Summary

S-18-0383 In re Estate of Castonguay
Douglas County Court, Judge Craig Q. McDermott
Attorneys: Paul Castonguay, Sr. (Pro se Appellant) --- no brief filed by Appellee, case in default

Civil: Probate
Proceedings Below: The county court dismissed Appellant’s motion to revisit probate proceedings.
Issues: The county court erred and abused its discretion in 1) violation of the 14th Amendment of the United States Constitution by denying the main plaintiff to appear before the court to be hear on an address her reason for the filing of the motion to revisit the order of distribution of proceeds, and 2) dismissing the motion without hearing both plaintiffs in the motion to revisit the probate proceeding as order from Judge Craig Q. McDermott original order dated October 9, 2009.