In re Estate of Hasterlik

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University of Nebraska College of Law
Case Summary

S-17-592 In re Estate of Hasterlink; Kimberlee Voss (Appellant) v. State of Nebraska  

County Court of Dodge County, Hon. Kenneth J. Vampola

Attorneys: Rebecca Abell Brown (R Abell Brown Law LLC) for Appellant --- Linsey Moran Bryant (Dodge County Attorney’s Office) for Appellee

Civil: Inheritance tax; “acknowledged relation of a parent” determination under § 77-2004.

Proceedings Below: The county court found Appellant had not met her burden to prove that the decedent stood in an acknowledged relationship of a parent to her for at least 10 years prior to his death, and therefore Appellant was not entitled to tax exemptions for inherited property interests provided under § 77-2004.

Issues: Whether the county court erred in determining: (1) the evidence did not establish that the decedent stood in an acknowledged relationship of a parent to Appellant for the relevant statutory time period; (2) finding Appellant was not entitled to a favorable tax rate under § 77-2004.   


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