In re Estate of Karmazin

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Case Summary

S-17-0228 In the Matter of the Estate of Bernadine M. Karzamin

Hall County, Judge Wetzel

Attorneys:      Brenda K. Smith, Gretchen L. McGkill (Dvorak Law Group)(for Estate of Bernadine M. Karmazin, Appellant) — Mark A. Beck (Beck Law Office) (for Denise Baumgart and Kenneth Karmazin)

Civil:               Probate, property tax

Proceedings Below:  The trial court granted claims against the Estate of Bernadine M. Karmazin (“the Estate”) for property taxes under a lease with the claimants.

Issues:  1. The trial court erred in determining the Claimants' established standing. 2. The trial court erred in allowing testimony from Claimant Baumgart regarding her status as a remainderman of the Estate. 3. The trial court erred in allowing testimony from Claimant Karmazin regarding his status as a remainderman of the Estate. 4. The trial court erred in admitting the deeds of certain property without proper foundation. 5. The trial court erred in determining the Claimants made a proper claim under the Nebraska Probate Code. 6. The trial court erred in determining the lease agreements between the parties were ambiguous. 7. The trial court erred in determining that the Estate must reimburse Claimant Baumgart for payment of real estate taxes in the amount of $2,097.74. 8. The trial court erred in determining that the Estate must reimburse Claimant Karmazin for payment of real estate taxes in the amount of $8,929.46. 9. The trial court erred in determining that the Estate must reimburse Claimants for interest in the amount of $68.40.

Schedule Code