In re Estate of Larson

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County Court
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S-20-0340 In re Estate of Larson

Colfax County Court, Hon. Andrew R. Lange

Attorneys: Jeffery T. Peetz (Endacott Peetz & Timmer, PC LLO, for Appellee) --- Jared J. Krejci (Smith, Johnson, Allen, Connick & Hansen, for Appellant)

Civil: Probate

Proceedings below: The county court granted Appellee’s formal petition for complete settlement after informal testate proceeding and overruled Appellant’s objection to proposal for distribution. 

Issues on Appeal: Whether the county court erred 1) to the extent it determined that the language of Blain Larson’s will completely supplanted statutory inheritance tax apportionment as applied in this case and that Cindy Svoboda and Matthew Larson’s inheritance taxes should be paid using estate funds, 2) in determining that Cindy’s attorney fees incurred during the will contest were payable from estate assets, 3) in misapplying the rules of abatement and distribution, 4) in determining that it was authorized or necessary for Cindy to use estate funds to pay real estate taxes on real estate she jointly owned with Blain, 5) in determining that Cindy purchasing a second headstone was authorized or a reasonable and necessary estate expenditure, 6) to the extent it determined that Neb. Rev. Stat. § 30- 24,120 had any application in this case

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