In re Estate of Ryan

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Case Summary

S-18-0799 In re Estate of Ryan

Douglas County, Hon. Lawrence E. Barrett

Attorneys: Thomas M. Locher & Kevin J. Dostal (Locher Pavelka Dostal Braddy & Hammes, LLC)(Appellant) --- Marnie A. Jensen & Kamron T.M. Hasan (Husch Blackwell LLP) & William J. Lindsay, Jr. & John A. Svoboda (Gross & Welch P.C., L.L.O.)

Civil: Probate

Proceedings Below: The county court granted Appellee’s motion to dismiss, ruling that Appellant’s petition does not state a claim upon which relief can be granted. Appellee filed a Petition to Bypass, which was granted by the Nebraska Supreme Court.

Issues: The county court erred in dismissing 1) Appellant’s contract claim against Appellee based upon the Pledge Agreement, and 2) Appellant’s claim against Appellee based upon a promissory estoppel theory.