In re Estate of Warner

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S-17-0217 In re Estate of Warner

Sarpy County Court, Judge Robert C. Wester

Attorneys: Charles E. Dorwart & Thomas C. Dorwart (Dorwart Law Office) --- Joseph R. Warner (Pro se Appellant)

Civil: Testamentary trust

Proceedings below: Appellant was removed as co-trustee for failing to show cause why he should not be removed.

Issues: 1) The trial court erred by holding hearings and issuing orders when the county court did not have jurisdiction of the cause and jurisdiction had been removed to the Court of Appeals or to the Supreme Court or by failure to rule on motions for recusal, 2) Appellant did not receive proper statutory notice of hearing required by the Nebraska Revised Statutes and Rule of Court and the Court’s notices of hearing were clearly infirm, and 3) the trial court erred by acting in an arbitrary, unreasonable and capricious manner and the decision was not supported by competent evidence.

Schedule Code