In re Guardianship of Diaz

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S-17-1056 In re Guardianship of Carlos Ortiz Diaz, a minor child

Lancaster County Court, Judge Holly J. Parsley

Attorneys: David V. Chipman (Monzon Guerra & Associates) (for Appellant Eleany E. Zunun Gonzalez) --- no brief filed by Appellee, case in default

Civil: Guardianship

Proceedings below: The trial court found Appellant should be appointed as the child’s guardian but denied the request to make special findings of fact regarding best interests of the minor child.

Issues: The county court erred in (1) ruling the minor child was not “dependent” on the county court as defined by 8 U.S.C. § 1101(a)(27)(J); (2) failing to make the special findings of fact regarding the best interests of the minor child including (a) reunification with the parents is not viable due to abuse and neglect; (b) it would not be in the minor child’s best interests to return to Guatemala.

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