In re Guardianship of Hasenauer

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11:35 am
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Scotts Bluff
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County Court
Case Summary

S-20-0044 In re Guardianship of Hasenhauer

Scotts Bluff County Court, Honorable Kristen D. Mickey

Attorneys: James A. Campbell (Attorney General’s Office) --- Joe W. Stecher (Appellants)

Civil: Guardianship

Proceedings Below: The county court discharged the Public Guardian and appointed Appellants as guardians.  Appellee filed a petition to bypass the Court of Appeals, which was granted by the Nebraska Supreme Court.

Issues: The county court erred in 1) ordering Appellants the guardians for Nicholas Hasenhauer over their objections, and 2) granting the discharge of the Public Guardian as guardian for Nicholas Hasenhauer.

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