In re Guardianship of Taylor

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S-17-0600, In re Guardianship of Taylor

District Court of Richardson County, Hon. Curtis L. Maschman,

Attorneys: Appellant: Melanie A. Kirk (Johnson Flodman Guenzel & Widger); Appellees: Andrew Taylor (Pro se)

Criminal/Civil: Civil; Juvenile guardianship proceeding

Proceedings Below: The county court granted a temporary guardianship to the minor child’s maternal uncle, the Appellant, but later denied a permanent guardianship and dissolved the temporary guardianship. The appellees are the minor child’s parents.

Issues: The main issue raised the Appellant, restated, is whether he met his burden to show that the Appellees were unfit to care for their daughter. Other potential issues not raised by the parties are whether the Appellant (the minor child’s uncle) has standing to petition for and appeal the denial of a guardianship for his niece and whether there is appellate jurisdiction to review this order.

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