In re Interest of A.M.

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County Court
Case Summary

S-19-0932 In re Interest of A.M.

Washington County Court Sitting as a Juvenile Court, Judge C. Matthew Samuelson

Attorneys: Desirae M. Solomon (County Attorney’s Office, for Appellant) --- Kristine Roberts (Roberts Law Office, LLC)

Civil: Attorney fees

Proceedings below: The trial court ordered Appellant to pay the fees set forth in Appellee’s application for payment of attorney fees.

Issue: Whether the trial court erred in 1) ordering Washington County to pay the sum of $2,991.85 for court-appointed attorney fees without conducting a hearing and without notice to Washington County, 2) finding that Washington County should pay the attorney fees for the mother when there was no evidence the mother was unable to hire an attorney, 3) finding the attorney fees earned were reasonable and necessary for the defense of the mother by ordering the County to pay another $2,991.85 in legal fees when counsel had already requested the sum of $38,217.20 during the pendency of the action and the total sum amounts to a clearly excessive fee, and 4) ordering the County to pay for fees associated with the attorney collecting her fees in this matter.

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