In re Interest of Giavonni P.

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District Court
Case Summary

S-18-1130, S-18-1135 In re Interest of Giavonni P.

Douglas County Separate Juvenile Court, Judge Christopher E. Kelly

Attorneys: Neleigh N. Boyer and Marcie Bergquist (Special Assistant Attorney General, DHHS) (Appellant)

Civil: Placement

Proceedings below: Following a juvenile review hearing, the trial court ordered the juvenile to be placed at a psychiatric residential treatment facility and if not so placed by November 26, 2018 to be delivered to the Lincoln Regional Center (LRC) for placement until further order of the court.

Issues: Whether the trial court erred in 1) ordering that the juvenile be placed at the LRC; 2) ordering that the juvenile be placed at the LRC on a specific date; and 3) ordering that the juvenile remain at the LRC until further order of the court or until a placement was unanimously agreed upon by all parties.

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