In re Interest of Kamille B

Case Number(s)
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Case Summary

S-18-0651 In re Interest of Kamille B.

Lancaster County Separate Juvenile Court, Judge Linda S. Porter

Attorneys: Joy Shiffermiller (Shiffermiller Law Office, P.C., L.L.O.)(Appellant – mother)

Civil: Custody; Bridge order

Proceedings below: The trial court issued a bridge order, placing the children in the custody of their father with visitation to Appellant and transferring jurisdiction to the district court.

Issues: Whether the trial court erred in 1) failing to consider the mother’s rehabilitation and that this was not a proper case for a bridge order; 2) finding it is in the best interests of the minor children that legal and physical custody be placed with their father, with rights of visitation awarded to Appellant; 3) failing to provide the Appellant with due process in these proceedings by adducing evidence and offering exhibits; and 4) receiving into evidence the report of the foster care review board.