In re Interest of Keyanna R.

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S-17-0659 In re Interest of Keyanna R.

Separate Juvenile Court for Lancaster County, Judge Toni G. Thorson

Attorneys: James Sieben (Public Defender’s Office) (Appellant) --- Tara Parpart and Margaret Jackson (Senior Certified Law Student) (County Attorney’s Office)

Civil: Out-of-home placement; community-based resources

Proceedings below: The trial court entered an order removing Appellant from her family home and placing her on probation at Boys Town Group Home.

Issues: 1) There is insufficient evidence that all community based resources had been exhausted to assist Appellant and her family and that maintaining Appellant in her family home was a significant risk to herself or the community prior to the court entering an order removing Appellant from her home, and 2) the ‘best interests’ standard was inappropriately applied, and cannot be used as an alternative to Neb. Rev. Stat. §43-251.01(7) in order to place a juvenile out-of-home on an agreement and order of probation.

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