In re Interest of Reality W

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Case Summary

S-18-0629 In re Interest of Reality W.

Separate Juvenile Court for Lancaster County, Judge Roger L. Heideman

Attorneys: Julie Mruz (Lancaster County Attorney’s Office) --- Margene M. Timm (Lancaster County Public Defender’s Office) (Appellant)

Civil: Adjudication; Truancy

Proceedings below: Following a hearing, the trial court adjudicated Appellant under Neb. Rev. Stat. §43-247(3)(b).

Issues: Whether there is sufficient evidence that 1) the school met the statutory requirements under Neb. Rev. Stat. §79-209(2); and 2) the State made reasonable efforts to refer Appellant to community-based resources prior to filing the petition as required under Neb. Rev. Stat. §43-276(2).