In re Interest of Zoie H.

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Separate Juvenile Court
Case Summary

S-18-1028 In re Interest of Zoie H. (Appellant)

Lancaster County Separate Juvenile Court, Judge Roger J. Heideman

Attorneys: Mary Norrie  (Lancaster County Attorney’s Office, for Appellee); James Sieben, Mark Carraher (Lancaster County Public Defender’s Office, for Appellant)

Juvenile: Motion to quash; Jury trial; Burden of proof

Proceedings below: The separate juvenile court entered an order on October 23, 2018 denying the Appellant’s motion to quash and demand for a jury trial, and adjudicated the Appellant pursuant to Neb. Rev. Stat. § 43-247(2).  

Issues:  Whether the separate juvenile court erred by 1) overruling Appellant’s motion to quash; and 2) denying the Appellant’s demand for a jury trial; and 3) whether the State failed to meet their burden of proof regarding the value of the property in question, and thus failed to prove every element of the offense beyond a reasonable doubt.

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