Reveiz v. El-Kasaby

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District Court
Case Summary

S-19-0278 Elena Reveiz v. Bassel El-Kasaby (Appellant)

Douglas County District Court, Judge J. Russell Derr

Attorneys: Denise E. Frost (Johnson & Mock, PC LLO) (Appellant) --- Stacy L. Morris & Kathy Geyer Johnson (Lamson Dugan & Murray LLP)

Civil: Divorce; property; declaratory judgment

Proceedings below: The district court granted Appellee’s motion to dismiss.

Issues: The trial court erred in 1) dismissing Appellant's complaint for declaratory judgment, 2) failing to find that the divorce decree entered in Cl 15-4126 was null and void, and entered without jurisdiction, 3) holding that the 2-year finality requirement in Neb. Rev. Stat. § 42-346 supercedes the general requirement that a court must have jurisdiction in order to enter a decree of dissolution of marriage, 4) in holding that the divorce decree entered in Cl 15- 2146 "is valid in all respects", and 5) failing to find that the divorce decree entered in Cl 15-4126 was invalid because of the decree's lack of findings that division of the marital estate was equitable, the decree's failure to determine child support according to the Nebraska Child Support Guidelines, and the decree's failure to award spousal support and child support.

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