Rohde v. Rohde

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Case Summary

S-18-0179 Sharon Rohde (Appellee) v. Keith Rohde (Appellant)

Douglas County District Court, Judge Russell Derr

Attorneys: Christopher A. Vacanti (Vacanti Shattuck Law Firm, for Appellee) --- A. Bree Robbins (Cordell Cordell, LLP, for Appellant)

Civil: Dissolution of marriage: Determination, division, and valuation of marital property

Proceedings Below: Pursuant to Appellee’s complaint for dissolution of marriage and Appellant’s counterclaim for dissolution of marriage, the district court granted Appellee legal and physical custody of the parties’ minor child, ordered Appellant pay monthly child support in the amount of $495, divided the marital property, and ordered Appellant to pay an equalization payment of $35,438.80 within 30 days of its decree.

Issues: Whether the district court erred in 1) valuing some assets and debts on the date of filing, some assets and debts on the date of trial, and other assets and debts on a different and unrelated date; 2) finding that all of Appellant’s business was marital and failing offset the property by the value of the business and payments Appellant made on the parties’ first house; and 3) classifying, valuing, and dividing assets and debts in the marital estate.