Rutledge v. Ford

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District Court
Case Summary

S-18-0924 Amie L. Rutledge v. City of Kimball and David Ford

Kimball County District Court, Judge Derek Weimer

Attorneys:  James R. Korth (Reynolds, Korth, & Samuelson, for Appellant) – Steven W. Olsen, Paul W. Snyder (Simmons Olsen Law Firm, for Appellee)

Civil:   Sovereign immunity

Proceedings Below:    On July 8, 2014, the district court granted the City of Kimball’s (“the City’s”) motion to dismiss for failure to state a claim based on the sovereign immunity bar under the intentional torts provision of the Political Subdivision Tort Claims Act.  Appellant subsequently moved to dismiss David Ford with prejudice on September 14, 2018. Appellant appeals only the July 8, 2014 order dismissing her claims against the City of Kimball.

Issue:  Whether the district court erred when it granted the City’s motion to dismiss based on sovereign immunity under the Political Subdivision Tort Claims Act (“PSTCA”), Neb. Rev. Stat. §13-910(7).


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