Sellers v. Sellers

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S-15-0618, Krista Sellers (Appellant) v. Ryan Sellers

Lincoln County, Hon. Richard Birch

Attorneys: Patrick Heng (Appellant) ' Timothy Brouillette (Brouillette, Dugan)

Civil: dissolution

Proceedings below: The trial court dissolved the marriage of the parties and divided the assets and liabilities of the marriage.

Issues: The trial court erred in (1) finding Ryan's gifts of 50% interest of his interest in 3 LLCs were a marital asset subject to an equal division; (2) failing to determine that Krista was entitled to retain the 50% interest in the 3 LLCs as non-marital assets as a result of the gifts Ryan made to her on the date of the marriage; (3) failing to address why the gifts were not considered non-marital property under Nebraska case law; (4) failing to award Krista the increase in the parties' cattle operation during the marriage; (5) finding Ryan met his burden of proof regarding tracing of his separate inheritance monies as applied to the cattle operation; (6) finding the parties' cattle were not a marital asset.