Shelter Insurance Company v. Gomez

Case Number(s)
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Court Number
Box Butte
Case Location
Court Type
District Court
Case Summary

S-18-927 Shelter Insurance Company (Appellee) v. Santos Gomez, Jr.; Santos Gomez, Sr. d/b/a Santos Gomez Trucking; Julia V. Gomez (Appellees/Cross-Appellants); Carlene S. Calder, Personal Representative of the Estate of Jason Kraeger (Appellant); and Kate Benjamin (Appellee).

Box Butte County District Court, Judge Derek Weimer

Attorneys: Michael T. Gibbons & Raymond E. Walden (Woodke & Gibbons, P.C., L.L.O., for Shelter Insurance Co.) --- Amy L. Patras (Crites, Shaffer, Connealy, Watson, Patras, & Watson, P.C., L.L.O., for Gomez Appellees/Cross-Appellants) --- Maren Lynn Chaloupka (Chaloupka Holyoke Snyder Chaloupka & Longoria, P.C., L.L.O, for Calder) --- Steven W. Olsen & Paul W. Snyder (Simmons Olsen Law Firm, P.C., for Benjamin).

Insurance: Whether an insurer has a duty to advise a commercial motor carrier of its obligation to carry $750,000 in liability insurance.