Siedlik v. Nissen

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Case Summary

S-18-0899 Ray and Terri Siedlik (Appellants) v. Daniel and Deb Nissen (Appellees)

Cass County District Court, Judge Michael A. Smith

Attorneys: Douglas W. Ruge (for Appellants) —Joel M. Carney, William J. Hale (Goosmann Law Firm, for Appellees)

Civil: Quiet Title

Proceedings Below: The Appellants filed an action to quiet title to an area of residential land titled to the Appellees, based on theories of adverse possession and acquiescence. Following a bench trial, the trial court determined that the Appellants’ use and improvements were not sufficiently notorious and ruled in Appellees’ favor.

Issues: Whether the trial court erred in 1) finding insufficient notorious use of the area in question for adverse possession; and 2) finding insufficient notorious use for boundary line by acquiescence.