State ex rel. Counsel for Disc. v. Chvala

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Case Summary

S-17-0773 State ex rel. Counsel for Discipline v. Janet L. Krotter Chvala

Nebraska Supreme Court

Attorneys: Kent L. Frobish (Assistant Counsel for Discipline); David A. Domina (DominaLaw Group P.C., L.L.O.) (Respondent)

Civil: Nebraska Rules of Professional Conduct, Nebraska Code of Professional Responsibility

Proceedings below: The referee found by clear and convincing evidence that Respondent violated the disciplinary rules set forth in the amended formal charges, and that the Respondent violated her oath of office as an attorney. The referee recommended Respondent be disbarred. Respondent field exceptions to the referee’s report.

Issues: Whether the Respondent violated the Nebraska Rules of Professional Conduct, namely, §§ 3-501.4, 3-501.7, 3-501.8, 3-501.9, 3-504.1, and 3-508.4(a)(c) and whether she violated the Nebraska Code of Professional Responsibility, §§ DR 5-104(A) and DR 5-105.