State ex rel. Counsel for Discipline v. Hanson

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Original Action
Case Summary

S-19-0355 Counsel for Discipline (Relator) v. Brandon B. Hanson (Respondent)

Original Jurisdiction, Nebraska Supreme Court

Attorneys: Julie L Agena (Deputy Counsel for Discipline, for Relator); Brandon B. Hanson (Respondent)

Civil: Attorney discipline

Referee’s Decision: The referee found by clear and convincing evidence certain facts set forth in his report and specifically found by clear and convincing evidence that the Respondent violated the following provisions of the Nebraska Rules of Professional Conduct: §§ 3-501.2(c), 3-501.7(a) & (b), 3-504.3, 3-504.3, 3-508.4(a) & (c), as well as Neb. Rev. Stat. § 7-104. The referee recommended that the Respondent be suspended from the practice of law for a period of six months.

Issues: The Respondent filed six exceptions to the report and recommendation of the referee, asserting that the referee erred in the findings of a violation in three separate disciplinary rules and erred in specific statements in the report, specifically that the facts and law do not support the referee’s findings as to the violations of Neb. Ct. R. §§ 3-501.7, 3-504.3, and 3-508.4(c), and that the facts and law do not support the referee’s statement in the report that states assistance in the underlying matter was an abuse of the public office as an elected county attorney, the statements in the “Protection of the Public” section of the report, and the sanction of suspension recommended by the referee.

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