State ex rel. Counsel for Discipline v. Person

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Case Summary

S-17-0556 State of Nebraska ex rel. Counsel for Discipline of the Nebraska Supreme Court v. Kent E. Person (Respondent)
Original Action
Attorneys: John W. Steele (Assistant Counsel for Discipline) (Relator) --- Kent E. Person (Respondent)
Civil: Attorney Discipline Matter
Proceedings below: Respondent admitted most of the essential facts in his answer to the complaint. A referee was appointed to conduct a hearing for the determination of appropriate discipline. The referee filed a report and recommendation that Respondent’s license be suspended for 30 days with reinstatement conditioned upon proof he repaid all interest and penalties incurred as a result of his neglect and that he serve a period of probation of one year under the supervision of an attorney monitor. Relator filed a motion for judgment of the pleadings and the report, which the Court granted as to the facts with direction to brief the issue of the appropriate sanction.
Issues: There are no assignments of error claimed by either the Relator or the Respondent.