State obo Kaaden S. v. Jeffery T

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Case Summary

S-17-1210 State obo Kaaden S. v. Jeffery T. v Mandy M.L.S.(third-party defendant)

Jefferson County Court, Judge Rick Schreiner

Attorneys: Ronald Brackle (for Appellant Jeffery T.) --- Angelica W. McClure (Kotik McClure) for Mandy M.L.S.

Civil: Paternity

Proceedings below: Trial was held and the trial court awarded Appellant sole physical and legal custody of the minor child, with parenting time to Mandy. Jeffrey was ordered to pay $93 a month in child support. Mandy was found in willful contempt and sanctioned $50.00. Each party was ordered to pay their own costs and fees.

Issues: Whether 1) the trial court committed an abuse of discretion when it put Mandy on equal footing as Appellant in the Parenting Plan by creating a joint physical custody situation between the parties; 2) the child’s surname should have been changed to the father’s surname; 3) the trial court erred by ordering Appellant to pay child support to Mandy, basing the award off of a "Joint Physical Custody" child support calculation and also ordering Appellant to pay the first $480 in health related costs annually; 4) the trial court should have ordered Mandy to pay a reasonable amount of child support to Appellant; 5) the trial court committed an abuse of discretion when it only fined Mandy $50.00 for her numerous and egregious violations; 6) the court erred when it refused to allow some attorney fees to Appellant.