State obo Mariah B. v. Kyle B.

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Case Summary

S-16-1142, State of Nebraska on behalf of Mariah L. and Renee B. v. Kyle B. (Appellant)

District Court for Lancaster County, Hon. Kevin R. McManaman

Attorneys:  Nancy R. Wynner (Appellant) and Jason M. Cooper, Deputy Lancaster County Attorney

Civil:  Paternity - Child Support - Contempt

Proceedings below:     After finding Kyle to be in willful contempt of a child support order, district court ordered Kyle committed to jail for 60 days but stayed execution of the sentence so long as he kept current on payment schedule for support and arrearages for a period of 18 months, at which time he would be purged of contempt.

Issues: Whether district court abused its discretion when it found Kyle to be in willful contempt; whether court imposed an unreasonable, arbitrary, capricious and punitive sentence; and whether court set purge payments at an amount with which it would be impossible for Kyle to comply.  

Schedule Code