State obo Mia G. v. Julio G

Case Number(s)
Call Date
Court Number
Case Location
Case Summary

S-18-0642 State of Nebraska, on behalf of State of Florida, on behalf of minor child, Mia M. Gomez (Appellant) v. Julio C. Gomez (Appellee)

Lancaster County, Judge Jodi L. Nelson

Attorneys: Anna Marx (Lancaster County Attorney’s Office, for Appellant) --- Elise M. W. White (White Law Office, for Appellee)

Civil: Paternity; Child support

Proceeding Below: The trial court appointed counsel for Appellee and ordered the State to bear the cost.

Issues: Whether the trial court erred by 1) appointing counsel for Appellee; and 2) converting the State-initiated support action into a joint paternity/support action.