State obo Ryley G. v. Ryan G.

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District Court
Case Summary

S-19-0892 State obo Ryley G. v. Ryan G. (Appellant) v. Rashell K.

Lancaster County District Court, Judge Robert R. Otte

Attorneys: David V. Chipman (Monzón, Guerra & Associates, for Appellant) — Linsey A. Camplin (McHenry, Haszard, Roth, Hupp, Burkholder & Blomenberg, P.C., L.L.O., for Appellee, Rashell K.)

Civil: Complaint for modification to remove child; cross-complaint to change custody

Proceedings Below: The court granted Rashell K. permission to relocate with the child outside of Nebraska, modified Appellant’s parenting time and child support, and dismissed Appellant’s complaint to modify custody.

Issues: Appellant assigns three errors related to the removal issue: 1) finding that Rashell demonstrated a legitimate reason to leave Nebraska; 2) finding it was in the child’s best interest to relocate to Washington, D.C.; and 3) granting Rashell the open-ended right to relocate to wherever her husband’s next job is. Appellant also assigns that the court erred in failing to find a material change of circumstance requiring custody of the child to be placed with him.

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