State obo Walter E. v. Mark E

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Case Summary

S-18-0436 State on Behalf of Walter E. (Appellant) v. Mark E.

Sarpy County District Court, Judge George Thompson

Attorneys: Sara E. Preisinger (Sarpy County Attorneys Office)

Civil: Child support for juvenile made a ward of the state

Proceedings below: Child support referee initially ordered father of an adjudicated juvenile to pay child support while the juvenile was in out of home placement. Father appealed, and the trial court found juvenile court order had already addressed issue of support and thus dismissed Appellant’s complaint seeking support.

Issues: Whether the district court erred in 1) dismissing the complaint because the juvenile court order was not final; 2) dismissing the complaint because the issue of child support was not addressed by the juvenile court; and 3) not transferring the matter to juvenile court.