State v. Amaya

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Case Summary

S-16-0959 State v. Jay D. Amaya (Appellant)

Lincoln County, Judge Donald E. Rowlands

Attorneys: Self-Represented Appellant --- Nathan A. Liss (Attorney General’s Office)

Civil: Postconviction

Proceedings below: Appellant’s convictions and sentences were affirmed by State v. Amaya, 276 Neb. 818 (2008). Appellant filed for postconviction relief which was denied without an evidentiary hearing.

Issues: The court erred in (1) denying Appellant’s motion for postconviction relief and amended motion without notice and hearing; (2) denying Appellant’s motion to alter or amend judgment as untimely; (3) denying Appellant’s motion for appointment of counsel under § 29-3004. 

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