State v. Ferrin

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District Court
Case Summary

S-19-0594 State of Nebraska (Appellee) v. Benjamin L. Ferrin (Appellant)

Sarpy County District Court, Judge George A. Thompson

Attorneys: John H. Sohl (Sohl Law Office, for Appellant); Douglas J. Peterson, & Mathew Lewis (Office of the Attorney General, for Appellee)

Criminal: Obstructing a peace officer (Neb. Rev. Stat.§ 28-906); Motion to suppress; Motion in limine

Proceedings below: The State charged Appellant with obstructing a peace officer. Appellant filed a motion to suppress and a motion in limine, which the county court overruled. The jury found Appellant guilty. In the district court, Appellant argued insufficiency of evidence and that the county court erred in overruling his pre-trial motions, admitting prejudicial evidence, and imposing of an excessive sentence.

Issues: Whether the county court appropriately denied Appellant’s motion to suppress, overruled his motion in limine, and whether there was sufficient evidence to prove the charge beyond a reasonable doubt.

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