State v. Foster

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S-17-0707 State v. Jeremy D. Foster (Appellant)

Douglas County District Court, Judge Peter C. Bataillon

Attorneys: Stacey M. Foust (Attorney General’s Office) --- Jeremy D. Foster (Pro se Appellant)

Civil: Postconviction

Proceedings Below: The district court denied Appellant’s motion for postconviction relief.

Issues: The district court erred and abused its discretion by 1) failing to find trial counsel was so deficient and prejudicial during trial in violation of Article 1 & 11 of the Nebraska Constitution and the 6th Amendment to the United States Constitution, 2) failing to grant the postconviction relief on Appellant’s underlying constitutional claims, 3) denying an evidentiary hearing per §29-3001, 4) failing to find that trial and appellate counsels were prejudicially ineffective during the trial and appellate levels, and 5) failing to find that trial and appellate counsels were prejudicially ineffective for failing to call certain witnesses on behalf of Appellant.

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