State v. Fredrickson

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District Court
Case Summary

S-19-0743 State of Nebraska (Appellant) v. Richard A. Fredrickson  

Washington County District Court, Judge John Samson

Attorneys: Desirae M. Solomon (Washington County Attorney’s Office, Appellant) --- David V. Drew (Drew Law Firm, PC, LLO, for Appellee)

Criminal: Fees

Proceedings below: The court ordered that the Appellant’s vehicle be sold and the costs to be taken out of the proceeds of sale and applied to any payments that Washington County made for the purposes of the Appellee’s court-appointed counsel. On July 11, 2019, the court held an evidentiary hearing on Appellee’s motion for appointment of counsel and objection to appointment of counsel by the State. The court found that the Appellee was indigent and appointed counsel.   

Issues: Whether the court abused its discretion by ordering Washington County to pay for the Appellee’s court-appointed attorney.

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