State v. Gary L. Mann

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Case Summary

S-18-0333 State of Nebraska (Appellee) v. Gary Mann (Appellant)
Lancaster County District Court, Judge Lori Maret
Attorneys: Douglas J. Peterson and Melissa R. Vincent (Attorney General’s Office) for Appellee --- Joseph D. Nigro, Timothy M. Eppler and Melissa Figueroa, Senior Certified Law Student (Lancaster Public Defender’s Office) for Appellant.
Criminal: Possession of a stolen firearm
Proceedings Below: The trial court refused to allow Appellant to cross-examine his half-brother James Barnes about his drug use, declined to give Appellant’s proposed jury instructions, and sentenced Appellant to 2 to 6 years’ imprisonment for being in possession of a stolen firearm.

Issues: Whether 1) Appellant was denied his right to effective counsel; 2) the trial court erred in the admission or preclusion of evidence after timely objection; 3) the trial court’s jury instructions were prejudicial to Appellant; and 4) the trial court abused its discretion by imposing an excessive sentence.