State v. Golyar (20)

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S-17-0955 State v. Golyar (Appellant)

District Court of Douglas County, Hon. Timothy P. Burns  

Civil: 1st degree Murder; arson

Attorneys: Sarah E. Marfisi (Attorney General’s Office) --- Lori A. Hoetger & Scott C. Sladek (Public Defender’s Office)

Proceedings below: Following a bench trial, Appellant was convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment on Count I and 18 to 20 years on Count II.

Issues: 1) The evidence presented at trial lacks the probative value to sustain a guilty verdict because no rational trier of fact could find Appellant guilty of the crime of murder in the first degree or the crime of arson in the second degree, and 2) Appellant’s trial counsel provided assistance of counsel so deficient that, but for counsel’s deficient performance, the result of the proceeding below would have been different.

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