State v. Greer

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District Court
Case Summary

S-21-601 State of Nebraska v. Christina M. Greer (Appellant)

Appeal from the District Court for Sarpy County, Judge George A. Thompson

Attorneys:  Thomas P. Strigenz (Sarpy County Public Defender for Appellant) and Melissa R. Vincent (Asst. Attorney General for Appellee)

Criminal:  First Degree Sexual Assault on a Child, Tampering with a Witness, Child Abuse, improper jury instructions, expert witness, and excessive sentencing

Proceedings below:  Appellant was found guilty and sentenced on six counts of child abuse (2 to 3 years for each conviction), three counts of first degree sexual assault on a child (25 to 40 year sentence for each conviction), and two counts of tampering with a witness (1 to 2 year sentence for each conviction).  Appellee petitioned the Nebraska Supreme Court to by-pass the Nebraska Court of Appeals, which was sustained.

Issues:  On appeal, Appellant alleges that the district court abused its discretion in:  1) changing instruction #4 and then re-reading only the new jury instruction #4 after all the jury instructions had already been read to the jury; 2) allowing the Project Harmony Forensic Interviewer to testify as an expert on the issue of grooming; and 3) imposing an excessive sentence.  

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