State v. Hill (20)

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S-16-0441 State v. Teon D. Hill (Appellant)

Douglas County District Court, Judge Kimberly Miller Pankonin

Attorneys: Kimberly A. Klein (Attorney General’s Office) --- Jeff T. Courtney (Jeff T. Courtney, P.C., L.L.O.) (Appellant)

Criminal: 1st degree murder; possession of a deadly weapon by prohibited person; pretrial motions; ineffective assistance

Proceedings below: Following a jury trial, Appellant was convicted.

Issues: 1) The district court erred in overruling Appellant’s motion to suppress, 2) the district court erred in overruling Appellant’s motion in limine, 3) the district court erred in overruling Appellant’s motion to dismiss/motion for directed verdict at close of the State’s case in chief, 4) the district court erred in allowing the State’s counsel to argue as fact, over objection and with prejudice to Appellant, certain evidence that was not adduced at trial, and 5) Appellant was denied effective assistance of counsel when counsel failed to move for a mistrial when the State argued facts not in evidence.

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