State v. Iddings

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District Court
Case Summary

S-19-0304 State of Nebraska v. Matthew P. Iddings


Hall County District Court, Judge Mark Young, Judge John Marsh

Attorneys:  Erin E. Tangeman (Office of the Attorney General, for Appellee) – Jonathan M. Hendricks (Dowding, Dowding, Dowding & Urbom, for Appellant)

Criminal: DUI; Excessive sentence; Ineffective assistance of counsel; Credit for time served

Proceedings below: Appellant’s plea of no contest was accepted by the trial court and he was found guilty of driving under the influence, 4th offense. At sentencing, the trial court sentenced the Appellant to a term of eighteen months to five years of incarceration, with credit for 136 days served.

Issues:  Whether 1) the trial court abused its discretion by sentencing Appellant to a sentenced of eighteen months to five years; 2) the State violated the plea agreement; 3) Appellant received ineffective assistance of counsel; and 4) Appellant was entitled to additional days credit for time served.  

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