State v. Johnson

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Case Summary

S-17-0069 State v. Craig A. Johnson (Appellant)

Cheyenne County District Court, Judge Derek C. Weimer

Attorneys: Erin E. Tangeman (Attorney General’s Office) --- Craig A. Johnson (Pro se Appellant)

Criminal: Postconviction

Proceedings below: The district court denied Appellant’s motion for postconviction relief without an evidentiary hearing.

Issues: The district court erred in 1) denying Appellant postconviction relief or an evidentiary hearing on the claim of ineffective assistance of counsel during voir dire, 2) denying Appellant postconviction relief or an evidentiary hearing on the claim of ineffective assistance of counsel on the motion for directed verdict, denying Appellant postconviction relief or an evidentiary hearing on the claim of ineffective assistance of counsel during closing arguments, 4) denying Appellant postconviction relief or an evidentiary hearing on the claim of ineffective assistance of counsel regarding his constitutional right to testify in his own defense, 5) denying Appellant postconviction relief or an evidentiary hearing on the claim of ineffective assistance of counsel in direct appeal, and 6) ruling that Appellant’s claim of a violation of his constitutional right to a speedy trial was procedurally barred, denying postconviction relief or an evidentiary hearing.

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