State v. Kidder (20)

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S-16-1124 State v. Matthew J. Kidder (Appellant)

Douglas County District Court, Judge Kimberly Pankonin

Attorneys: Austin N. Relph (Attorney General’s Office) --- Thomas C. Riley, L. Robert Marcuzzo, Douglas A. Johnson, and Natalie M. Andrews (Public Defender’s Office) (Appellant)

Criminal: 1st degree Murder; use of deadly weapon to commit felony; motion to suppress; motion in limine

Proceedings below: Following a jury trial, Appellant was found guilty and sentenced to life on Count I and 20 to 20 years on Count II, to run consecutively.

Issues: 1) The district court committed reversible error in denying Appellant’s motion to suppress evidence acquired as a result of the execution of general search warrants, unsupported by probable cause, and 2) the district court abused its discretion in denying Appellant’s motion in limine, therefore allowing the state to introduce evidence obtained on the computer that was not inextricably intertwined with the alleged crimes.

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