State v. Lotter (15)

Case Number(s)
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Case Summary

S-17-0325) State v. John L. Lotter (Appellant)

S-17-0338) State v. John L. Lotter (Appellant)

S-17-0339) State v. John L. Lotter (Appellant)

S-17-1126) State v. John L. Lotter (Appellant)

S-17-1127) State v. John L. Lotter (Appellant)

S-17-1129) State v. John L. Lotter (Appellant)

District Court of Douglas County, Hon. Vicky L. Johnson  

Civil: Postconviction relief

Attorneys: James D. Smith (Solicitor General) (Attorney General’s Office) --- Rebecca E. Woodman (Attorney at Law, L.C.) (Pro hoc vice) & Timothy S. Noerrlinger (Naylor & Rappl) (Appellant)

Proceedings below: The district court denied Appellant’s motion for postconviction relief without an evidentiary hearing.

Issues: The district court erred in 1) failing to grant an evidentiary hearing on Claim 2 and amended Claim 3 of Appellant’s postconviction motion, 2) finding Claim 2 procedurally defaulted, 3) finding that the postconviction motion could not be amended, and 4) determining the merits of Claim 2 and amended Claim 3 without holding an evidentiary hearing when Appellant alleged facts in support of each claim that, if proved, would entitle him to relief, and the files and records of the case do not affirmatively show that he is entitled to no relief.

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