State v. Lovvorn

Case Number(s)
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Case Summary

S-18-1104 State v. Lovvorn (Appellant)
Sarpy County, District Court Judge Nathan B. Cox
Attorneys: Douglas Peterson (Attorney General) Stacy M. Foust (Assistant Attorney General) – Carolyn Willson (Public Defender’s Office) (Appellant)
Criminal: Speedy trial
Proceedings Below: The district court overruled Appellant’s motion to discharge on speedy trial grounds.

Issues: 1. The District Court erred 1) when it improperly ruled that time still remained on the speedy trial clock in violation of Neb. Rev. Stat. § 29-1207 and § 29-1208, and 2) in finding that Appellant's Constitutional Right to a speedy trial pursuant to Neb. Const... Art. I, I.I and U.S. Const. Amendment 6 was not violated.