State v. Sanders

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Case Summary

S-17-1074 State of Nebraska v. Clenton M. Sanders (Appellant)
Douglas County District Court, Judge Peter C. Bataillon
Attorneys: Douglas Peterson, Erin E. Tangeman (Office of the Attorney General, for Appellee) – Clenton M. Sanders, pro se for Appellant
Civil: Postconviction relief
Proceedings Below: Appellant was convicted in 2008, of second degree murder and use of a deadly weapon to commit a felony. Appellant filed a direct appeal assigning seven errors. The Court of Appeals found that six of Appellant’s assignments of error were without merit, and as to the claim of ineffective assistance of counsel, the Court of Appeals determined the record was insufficient. Appellant then sought postconviction relief in the trial court. The trial court denied postconviction relief without an evidentiary hearing.

Issues: Whether an evidentiary hearing on the claims raised in Appellant’s amended postconviction motion should have been granted.