State v. Sundquist

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Case Summary

S-17-1297 State of Nebraska v. Marvin D. Sundquist (Appellant)
Dodge County District Court, Judge Geoffrey Hall
Attorneys: Marvin D. Sundquist (pro-se Appellant)— Austin N. Relph (Attorney General’s Office)
Criminal: Driving under the influence
Proceedings Below: After trial, a jury found Appellant guilty of Driving under the Influence of Alcoholic Liquor or Drug, Second Offense, Aggravated, a Class I misdemeanor. The county court sentenced Appellant to 18 months’ probation. Following an appeal to the district court, the court reversed and remanded for a new trial. Appellant appealed the district court’s decision to this Court, and this Court summarily affirmed. After a retrial, Appellant was again found guilty and sentenced to 18 months’ probation. The district court affirmed on appeal. Appellant now appeals to this Court.
Issues: Whether 1) Appellant was denied the opportunity to appeal his conviction to the district court and denied effective assistance of appellate counsel on his appeal to the district court; 2) Appellant was denied effective assistance of trial counsel at trial held on April 20, 2017; 3) the Appellee interfered with Appellant’s right to effective assistance of counsel; 4) Appellant’s due process rights were violated; 5) Appellant was previously tried on these charges and would have been acquitted but was denied the acquittal due to an abuse of discretion by the trial court (double jeopardy); 6) the Appellant is being punished for something other than the crime he was charged with; and 7) Appellant was denied his Sixth Amendment right to a speedy trial.