Steckelberg v. State Patrol

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Case Summary

S-15-0879 Todd Steckelberg (Appellants) v. Nebraska State Patrol

Lancaster County District Court, Judge Susan I. Strong

Attorneys: Joy Shiffermiller (Shiffermiller Law Office, P.C., L.L.O.) (Appellant) --- David Lopez (Attorney General's Office)

Civil: Public Records Act; mandamus

Proceedings below: Following a hearing, the district court denied Appellant's petition for mandamus to release documents and allowed Appellee to change its claimed exemption.

Issues: The Trial Court erred in 1) finding that the Appellant had not met his burden of proof of showing that the documents were public records under Neb. Rev. Stat. ' 84-712.01, 2) finding that the records requested were exempt under Neb. Rev. Stat. ' 84-712.05(7), 3) allowing the State to mend it's hold to declare a different reason for exemption under the statutes, since the records were clearly not exempt under Neb. Rev. Stat. ' 84-712.05(15), 4) failing to allow the Appellant and/or his counsel to review the records the court reviewed in camera, 5) failing to order the Mandamus prayed for by the Appellant.