Stekr v. Stekr

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Case Summary

S-15-0003 Peter M. Stekr (Appellant) v. Kelly Beecham, f/k/a Kelly Shannon Stekr

Douglas County, Judge Marlon A. Polk

Attorneys: John A. Kinney & Jill M. Mason (Kinney Law, P.C., L.L.O.) ' Brent M. Kuhn (Harris Kuhn Law Firm, LLP)

Civil: Modification of Divorce Decree

Proceedings Below: Upon a third remand from the Nebraska Court of Appeals, A-13-0398, the district court entered an order determining that Peter Stekr's child support obligation should be $1,801 per month.

Issues: Peter argues the district court erred by refusing to use the calculation under the Nebraska Child Support Guidelines in determining his child support and by relying on the fact that he owned real estate to deviate from the guidelines.