Thomas Grady Photography, Inc. v. Amazing Vapor, LTD

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Case Summary

S-17-0818 Thomas Grady Photography, Inc. v. Amazing Vapor, LTD, MCJC Companies, Inc., Manuel Guillermo Calderon, and Thomas J. Anderson (Appellant)

Douglas County District Court, Judge Gregory M. Schatz

Attorneys: Thomas J. Anderson (Anderson Law Firm) for Thomas J. Anderson — Justin A. Roberts (Lustgarten Roberts Law Firm) for Thomas Grady Photography, Inc.

Civil: breach of contract

Proceedings Below: After entering default judgment against all other defendants, the district court entered judgment against Anderson finding that he should also be personally liable for the debt owed to Grady Photography.

Issues: Whether the trial court erred in (1) finding that Amazing Vapor LTD had wound up the corporation, (2) finding that Anderson was a director of Amazing Vapor LTD and had a duty and personal liability to Thomas Grady Photography, Inc. on the debt, (3) finding that Amazing Vapor LTD was not able to pay its debts as they became due, (4) misapplying Neb. Rev. Stat. § 21-252(c), and (5) determining that Anderson should be liable in equity to prevent fraud or injustice.


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