Tran v. State of Nebraska

Case Number(s)
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Case Summary

S-17-1303, Ann Tran (Appellant) v. State of Nebraska, et al.

Lancaster County District Court, Judge John A. Colborn

Attorneys: Julie Jorgensen (Morrow, Willnauer, Church, LLC, for Appellant) --- Douglas J. Peterson, Ryan C. Gilbride (Office of the Attorney General, for Appellee)

Civil: Administrative Procedure Act; Termination of Medicaid Service Provider Agreement

Proceedings below: The trial court affirmed the decision of Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) which terminated Appellant’s agreement to provide services to Medicaid recipients and permanently excluded her from participating as a service provider in the Medicaid program.

Issues: Whether the trial court erred in 1) affirming Appellant’s sanction of exclusion from Medicaid; 2) affirming the termination of Appellant’s Medicaid Provider Agreement; 3) finding Appellant billed for overlapping services; 4) finding that affidavits of Appellant’s clients declaring that she provided all hours authorized was outweighed by evidence submitted by the Appellee; 5) finding that Appellant failed to show she did the work for which she billed; and 6) finding that Appellant presented false claims for payment.