US Specialty Insurance Company v. DS Avionics Unlimited LLC

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S-17-1101 US Specialty Insurance Company v. D.S. Avionics Unlimited LLC (Appellant)

District Court for Douglas County, Hon. Shelly R. Stratman

Attorneys: Robert E. O’Connor, Jr. --- Thomas Locher (Locher & Pavelka Dostal Braddy & Hammes, LLC) (Appellant)

Civil: Summary judgment; insurance coverage

Proceedings below: The district court granted summary judgment against Appellant.

Issues: The district court erred in 1) granting Appellee’s motion for summary judgment, 2) denying Appellant’s motion for summary judgment, 3) finding no accident occurred, 4) regarding material issues of fact exist whether the loss of the aircraft resulted from theft, 5) misconstruing the policy, 6) failing to find Appellee waived affirmative defenses, 7) finding the conversion exclusion bars coverage, 8) finding Appellee had a reasonable basis to deny coverage, 9) failing to find Appellee acted in bad faith, 10) admitting and excluding evidence and argument, and 11) denying, in part, Appellant’s motion to alter or amend.


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