Wehrer v. Dynamic Life Therapy & Wellness PC

Case Number(s)
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Case Summary

S-18-0648 Arlys Weher (Appellant) v. Dynamic Life Therapy and Wellness, P.C. (Appellee)
Platte County District Court, Judge Robert R. Steinke
Attorneys: George H. Moyer (Moyer & Moyer) (Appellant) --- Karen K. Bailey & L. Paige Hall (Engles, Ketcham, Olsen and Keith, P.C.)
Civil: Summary Judgment; negligence; statute of limitations
Proceedings Below: The district court granted Appellee’s motion for summary judgment.
Issues: The trial court erred in 1) finding that massage is a profession, 2) finding the masseuse could claim the benefit of §25-222 R.R.S. 2016, 3) failing to consider the constitutionality of §25-222, and 4) sustaining Appellee’s motion for summary judgment.